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Spring 2023

The Spring 2023 episode of Shenandoah Valley Ever Green features a French lesson + Italian translations to decode the technical language of winemakers. We will explore the French term "terroir" (pronounced tare-WAH) to highlight our relationship with the natural environment of the Valley. Sophia Thomas translates the explanation of terroir from Italian winemaker Daniele Rosellini. JMU professor Tom Benzing explains the soil structure of the Shenandoah Valley. Dr. Amy Goodall discusses birds that migrate to the Valley during the Spring. Nichole Barrows, educational director of Project GROWS in Augusta County takes us along with her family on an early Spring wildflower hike in the George Washington National Forest. Chris Konyar and Perry Eisenach from Winchester Parks and from the city’s Public Services, respectively, discuss the Green Circle Trail system that has been unfolding in the city. Jan Sievers Mahon, director of the Edith J. Carrier Arboretum, and Jack Monsted, Assistant Curator of the Native Plant Trail at Blandy Experimental Farm, describe the Spring indicators at their sites. Dr. Kelsey Johnson, UVA Astronomy professor and current of the American Astronomical Society, provides stargazing tips for the Spring. And principal Tammy May offers a preview of a farmer’s market project that students are taking on at Lacy Spring Elementary School in Rockingham County.

Special thanks to the Virginia Foundation of the Humanities and Sarah McConnell who shared their recording facilities in Charlottesville for this episode.

Reporters: Sam Game, Jacqui Himmel, McLaren Reed, Sidney Roth & Carolynn Unger

Executive Producers: Ryan Alessi, Tim Thomas

Sound: JMU Libraries Media Production Services

Editing by Ryan Alessi

All music for the program is performed by the group “Many Nights Ahead” with recording by Gene Bowlen at Cross Keys Studios.

Graphic Artist: Annie McGowan


A Winemaker’s Terroir

Here’s the website for Campinuovi, the vineyard in Tuscany discussed during the program by Daniele Rosellini. https://www.campinuovi.com. In particular, check out the sections that discuss “The Place” and “A Harmony of Forces” to get a close-up look at the terroir.

Shenandoah Valley Soil

Here’s a link to A Virginian’s Year-Round Guide to Yard Care that Sidney mentioned which provides some how-to’s about keeping your yard’s soil fertile and moist. It’s provided by the Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation - https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/soil-and-water/document/yardcare.pdf

A Spring Ephemerals Hike

McLaren Reed shared these photos from her hike with Nichole Barrows & family:

The Edith J. Carrier Arboretum “What’s in Bloom” Page - https://www.jmu.edu/arboretum/whats-in-bloom/index.shtml

The Green Circle Trail

This guide provides an overview of the trails around and through Winchester, VA