Matching Gifts
Many community-minded companies will match contributions to WMRA and WEMC from employees, retirees, directors, and often their spouses. Matches are typically dollar-for-dollar, but can range as high as four-to-one.
WMRA and WEMC are non-profit public radio stations operated by James Madison University and may be qualified through either your company’s cultural or higher educational matching gifts program. Contact your Human Resources/Personnel department for a matching gift form and send it in with your contribution. We'll take care of the rest.
How do you know if your company will match your gift? We have listed many companies below, however, this list is NOT comprehensive. We would be glad to help you check on your company's policy.
Please call or write for more information:
Scott Lowe (540) 568-3806 or (800) 677-9672
Membership and Volunteer Services Manager
WMRA & WEMC, 983 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
A Partial List of Participating Companies:
Aetna, Inc.
AMP, Inc.
AT&T (Lucent Technologies)
Atlantic Richfield Foundation
Avon Products Inc.
Bank of America
Bank of Boston
Bank of New York
Banta Corporation
Bell Atlantic
BellSouth Corporation
BF Goodrich Company
Blue Bell, Inc.
BP America
Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc.
Brystol-Myers Squibb
Burlington Industries, Inc.
Caterpillar Foundation
Chase Manhatten
Chicago Tribune
Chubb and Son
Coca-Cola Company
Cigna Corp
Circuit City Stores
Cisco Systems
Citibank, N.A.
Comsat Corporation
Cooper Industries
Corning Inc.
CSX Corporation
Dixie Packaging (Tenneco, Inc.)
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
Eaton Corporation
Erie Insurance Group
Exxon Education Foundation
Fannie Mae Foundation
Federated Department Stores
Fidelity Investments
First Union Corporation
First Virginia Banks, Inc.
Ford Foundation
Ford Motor Company
Freddie Mac Foundation
Freedom Forum
Gannett Foundation
Gap, Inc.
GEICO Corporation
Glaxo Wellcome Inc.
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
H & R Block Foundation, Inc.
Hartford Insurance Group
Hershey Foods Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Company
Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.
Home Depot, Inc.
Honeywell, Inc.
International Business Machines Corporation
Intel Corporation
ITT Industries
J.C. Penney
J.P. Morgan & Company Incorporated
John Hancock
John D and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publishers
Johnson & Johnson
Kmart Corporation
Kennametal, Inc.
Kiplinger Washington Editors
Knight-Ridder, Inc.
Levi Strauss Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lucent Technologies
Mass Mutual The Blue Chip Company
MBNA America Bank, N.A.
McDonald's Corporation
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Merck Company Foundation
Merrill-Lynch & Company, Inc.
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Mobil Foundation Inc.
Monsanto Fund
Montgomery Ward & Company, Inc.
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Mutual of Omaha
National Semiconductor Corporation
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co.
NCR Corporation
New York Times Company Foundation
New Yorker Magazine, Inc.
Newport News Shipbuilding
Newsweek, Inc.
Nike, Inc.
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Novartis Corporation
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company
People Soft
Pepsico, Inc.
Pew Charitable Trusts
Pfizer Inc.
Phillip Morris Companies, Inc.
Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Quaker Oats Company
Radio Shack (Tandy Company)
R.J.R. Nabisco, Inc.
Reader's Digest
Reynolds Metals Company Foundation
Sallie Mae
Sara Lee Foundation
Schering-Plough Corporation
Scripps Howard Foundation
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Shenandoah Life Insurance
Sherwin-Williams Company
SmithKline Beecham
Sperry Marine (Tenneco, Inc.)
Sprint Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
SunTrust Bank, Atlanta
Tandy Corporation
Times Mirror (Chicago Tribune)
Transprint USA
TRW Inc.
Universal Leaf
United Parcel Service
USG Corporation
Wachovia Bank
Walker Manufacturing (Tenneco, Inc.)
Wal-Mart Foundation
Washington Post Newspaper
Waste Management Inc.
Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.
Xerox Corporation