WMRA Awards

WMRA has been the recipient of numerous awards for excellence over the years. Most come to us for the outstanding work of our news department from organizations that include the Public Media Journalists Association and the Virginia Association of Broadcasters.
Virginia Association of Broadcasters - SECOND PLACE for Outstanding Newscast Radio for Kimberlea Daggy's newscast during All Things Considered on December 13, 2023.
Virginia Association of Broadcasters - SECOND PLACE for Outstanding News Series Radio for The Big Tree Tour: National Champions Growing in WMRA's Backyard.
Public Media Journalist Association - FIRST PLACE for Climate/Environment Feature (Division A) for The big tree tour continues: the colossus of Nelson County.
Virginia Association of Broadcasters - SECOND PLACE for Best Investigative Reporting for A complex 'Nexus': Activists, multiple lawsuits and reality TV.
Virginia Association of Broadcasters - SECOND PLACE for Outstanding Newscast Radio for Kimberlea Daggy's newscast during All Things Considered on December, 16th, 2022.
Public Media Journalists Association - FIRST PLACE for 2021 Spot News Coverage for They're Tired, They're Exhausted.
Virginia Association of Broadcasters - FIRST PLACE for Best Investigative Reporting for Prisons, the for-profit companies that serve them, and the families who pay.
Virginia Association of Broadcasters - SECOND PLACE for Outstanding News Series for Questions remain after two suicides at Harrisonburg jail.
Virginia Association of Broadcasters - FIRST PLACE for Outstanding Feature Reporting for A Day in the Life of Highland County's Sheriff.
Virginia Association of Broadcasters - SECOND PLACE for Best Human Interest Series for Staunton High Schooler Wins National Song Writing Award.