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NPR News & NPR Talk in Central Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley
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Member FAQs

Member FAQs

If you wish to cancel your monthly sustaining contribution, please call 800-NPR-WMRA during business hours M-F 8:30 to 5 pm, or send an email to loweem@jmu.edu.

If you wish to change or update the credit or debit card associated with your donation, please call 800-NPR-WMRA or go to the sustainer donation page and make a sustaining donation as if it was your first, and we will merge that in with your current giving record.

Sustaining Members give us a dependable base of support for the programs you count on. When you become a Monthly Sustainer, your donation is ongoing until you say otherwise. Your credit or debit card will automatically be billed each month. You’ll save time, money, and resources!

Washington Post / NY Times / Babbel Subscriptions
Please note that you will be sent the unlock codes for these thank you gifts within 4 weeks of selecting this for your thank you gift to the email we have on file for you. Subscriptions do not automatically roll over when you make a contribution. You must request the subscription when you make your donation (or at the sustainer anniversary) and use all new codes to implement your subscription.

What does your gift pay for?
Your commitment helps us to broadcast independent, unbiased, fact-based news. You pay for programs like Morning Edition, All Things Considered, Marketplace, and Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me.  More than 80% of WMRA’s budget comes from local community support.  

About Your MemberCard
Information about the special benefit of the month and a search of 2-for-1 dining establishments plus other discounts is at wmra.org under contribute.  And please download The MemberCard app for your smartphone.

About Your Membership

How can I update my personal or payment info?
When your sustaining membership credit/debit card needs to be changed, call 800-NPR-WMRA to update your information.  You can also go to the donate page and enter your new credit card information as if this was your first time making a sustaining contribution, and that will update your donation method as we merge your new donation with your previous one.  (Many members use this as an opportunity to raise the amount of their gift, and choose an annual thank you gift.)

Is my gift tax deductible?
Yes, but you must also deduct the “fair market value” of any thank you gifts you receive.  For example, if you give a $500 annual gift and take a thank you gift of a coffee cup, your tax deduction would be approximately $490.  MemberCards and Tote Bags don’t count.  

Ways to connect
How do I listen without a radio?
The new and improved WMRA app lets you stream the station, check out what you missed, and listen to NPR Podcasts as well.  You can always live stream online at wmra.org, or say “Play WMRA radio” to your smart speaker. Make sure you also connect with the “WMRA Daily,” a podcast of local and regional news.


Clearing the Confusion
With the recent rebranding of VPM in our area, a few members and listeners have been confused recently as to who they are supporting. WMRA is an NPR station serving the Shenandoah Valley and Central Virginia. We are only radio. If you support VPM (great!) you are not also supporting WMRA VPM does not operate an NPR station in the Valley or in Charlottesville.

WMRA is proud to partner and collaborate with VPM for local news coverage and you will hear reports from VPM reporters on WMRA as part of our newscasts. VPM will also carry news from WMRA from time to time, but we are distinct and separate organizations. If you have any questions, please let us know.


Other Ways to Support WMRA

·         Give stocks or securities

·         See if your company has a Matching Gift Program

·         Name WMRA in your will or trust

·         Donate a vehicle

·         Designate WMRA with your Required Minimum Distribution

Contact Us

·         General Inquiries                                 800-NPR-WMRA                  wmra@jmu.edu

·          Membership: Scott Lowe                  540-568-3806                       loweem@jmu.edu

·         News Director: Bob Leweke              540-568-3890                       lewekrb@jmu.edu

·         Executive Director: Matt Bingay      540-568-7884                       bingaymc@jmu.edu
