Saving Dark Skies

Saving Dark Skies
At 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 6, The Center at Belvedere will host “Saving Dark Skies,” a free presentation by the Piedmont Master Gardeners on light pollution and how to reduce it. Master Gardener Christine Hirsh-Putnam and Monticello Curator of Plants Peggy Cornett will explain the impact of the light pollution that has been making the night sky almost 10 percent brighter each year. The disappearing darkness not only limits our view of the stars but also disrupts the natural cycle of night and day, which has serious implications for the health of all living things. In addition, excessive outdoor lighting is disorienting and often fatal for wildlife, including migrating birds, nocturnal flying insects, and baby sea turtles. This program will outline not only the problem of light pollution but also the many ways we can mitigate it. The Center at Belvedere is at 540 Belvedere Blvd. in Charlottesville. To register, visit